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Loans in Midrand

The reality of life is that one of these very good days you may be faced with a situation where you will need legal advice whether it is for something as unfortunate as being involved in a motor vehicle accident or something crazy like stolen identity or someone committing fraud in your business. It can be extremely frustrating to find yourself faced with legal matters when you are ill prepared and without assistance or legal advice. This can strain you to the maximum and further continue to put your family under strain as well. Loans in Midrand South Africa was established with the purpose of making sure that you have access to immediate legal advice when you need it the most and an additional service that the company has is that of a loan offering for those rainy days when you need a little financial boost.

Loan application


Loans in Midrand South Africa is a great company that has combined two services in one package. The package comes in the form of legal advice and a complimentary loan finding service. The service can be administered telephonically where you can get legal advice over the phone and you can get assistance with finding a loan over the phone as well. If you are looking for a loan you can easily apply online for the specific type of loan that you are looking for and your submission will go to a number of credit providers from whom you can then choose which best credit provider best suits your financial needs.


Legal Advice

  • General Advice Assistance
  • Motor Vehicle Claim
  • Personal Injury
  • Conveyance Advice

Complimentary Loan Finding

  • Secured Loans
  • Unsecured Loans
  • Mortgage Loans
  • Personal Finance
  • Vehicle Finance
  • Bridging Finance
  • Debt Consolidation


  • Quick and easy online application
  • Great legal advice
  • Confidentiality

If you need to get through the month or if you are looking at renovating your home you can use this great complimentary service to find you a loan that will best suit your needs. Always remember that when you are applying for a loan you will need to provide the following documentation:

  • South African ID
  • Recent salary slip
  • Proof of residence
  • 3 months bank statement
  • Be in possession of a South African bank account
  • Be 18 years of age or above
  • Be employed by the same employer for 3 months or more

This is great value for money from an equally great company. Have the peace of mind in knowing that you have top notch legal advice when faced with a legal battle at a time you least expect it.

Loan application